Micah's Mashup

Israel Chapter Closing and Return to Boulder

Today marks my last week in Israel. After 6 months here and almost 3 months in Europe I am ready to make the trip home. During my time here I have learned a lot about Israel, business, startups, politics, social issues, nature and myself. It has been a crazy ride from starting off skiing in the far north to starting an internship at a business intelligence company, to hiking from Sea to Sea, and many other adventures. For those that have not been to Israel or imagine a barren desert 3rd world country you are sorely mistaken.

Tel Aviv Skyline looking towards Jaffa Port

Tel Aviv Skyline looking towards Jaffa Port

My time here has been a dream since I was little and am so happy and grateful that my dream came into fruition. I have met some amazing people here that have made the experience what it is. No country is perfect; many far from it, but it is comforting to know I always have a place in Israel. I am glad I was able to live here and experience all that the city and country has to offer. Until next time Tel Aviv.

Now? It’s time to return to Boulder, Colorado and gear up for the next set of adventures that await there. And I only have a 36 hour travel day to get there (TLV->BAKU AZERBAIJAN->NYC->LGA->DEN)! I will be starting off next month as an Associate for Techstars to continue learning more faster and looking for a full time position with a startup/tech company in the Fall.

In awe over the appetizer salads spread for my last meal.

In awe over the appetizer salads spread for my last meal.

One thought on “Israel Chapter Closing and Return to Boulder

  1. Dean Clough

    i guess “tech company” leaves the slimmest of slim chances Casa Integration is not completely out of the running? LOL!! Greetings from Munich! Wrapping up an our own amazing 3 week holiday – looking forward to seeing you in Boulder later this month!

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